The current job market is uncertain, to say the least. If you’ve recently graduated from college and are having trouble finding a job, don’t sweat it too much. But, don’t fall into the ranks of the unemployed either. Just because all your friends are doing it, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. Listen to mom on this one. But, at the same time, you shouldn’t just settle for any old job. When you're looking for teaching jobs, working at McDonalds won’t look too much better on your resume than being unemployed. What you need is life experience. If you can’t find a job to help fill that mounting gap in your resume, look to volunteering. You can certainly volunteer at home, but that just doesn’t have the same pizzazz as a three-month stint teaching English to the children of Cambodia, now does it?
You don’t have to want to be a teacher to benefit from this kind of work. Most agencies just require a bachelors degree (in any field) for you to volunteer teaching services. And, it still looks great on your resume. Think about it, if you were a boss who was looking to hire an entry-level software engineer, who would be more attractive: The student who took a year off and did nothing, or the one who had a life-changing experience that you respect, and may even be a little jealous of? Regardless of your area of expertise, employers are always looking for candidates who are well-rounded and interesting. This experience can help prove to employers that you're both of those things.
If this sounds like something that interests you, check out Go Abroad to find the perfect match. You don’t have to teach; there are many different opportunities for you to lend your skills to those in need. You should know that you’ll have to pay for your flight (to wherever you decide to go) and there will be a fee to cover meals and shelter during your stay. Some programs do pay a small stipend to teachers, but it usually doesn’t cover the entire cost of the trip (unless you really plan to stay awhile). If you don’t have the money, there are sites where you can potentially get people to sponsor your trip. More on that soon. In the meantime, I think you have plenty to think about - like which country you'll be visiting next.
Volunteering abroad can have a lot of lessons and experience which you can't have in your school years. A chance to explore and learn the valuable culture of the countries visited. Volunteer is not an easy task it requires commitment and service.
ReplyDeleteJoseph @ volunteer in china