Sunday, February 19, 2012

How Volunteering Can Help You Decide Where to Donate

Studies show that we feel better when we give than when we receive. I know, I do. But there are a few ways to give. You can decide to give your time, or you can decide to give your money. Either way, it’s an investment that should leave you feeling pretty good about yourself.

The thing about donating money, though, is that you’re never really sure how the organization is using it. Are you just paying someone’s salary, or are you actually helping people in need? The truth is, some non-profits are more worthy than others. And among those who are worthy, you may find a cause that you naturally sympathize with. That narrows down the options a bit. But, if you want to be sure that the organization is using your money for good, get in there and get your hands dirty. Volunteer for the organization and you’ll know exactly how committed they are at helping those in need. You don't find getting scholarships easy, do you? Then why should you so easily turn over your hard earned cash?

Still not buying it? Here are a few more reasons why it’s a good idea to volunteer before you donate:

· Charities are good at pulling at our heart strings, and just about everything sounds good in the first few minutes of the sell. Donate your time to the cause to test your true resolve and passion.

· A mission statement may help you identify who they are and what they do, but working in a day-to-day setting with the group lets you understand how and on what levels they operate, be it grassroots change or rewriting policy.

· While working, you may only glimpse a piece of the organization, but that's often enough to understand their work ethic, commitment, progress and work culture at the organizational level.

· You can also trace the money to see if they are wasteful or intelligently spending you cash to improve the world.

· As you get to know the people and learn what they are actually doing on the ground, you will be able to see where your talents are best applied. Maybe you can help in ways they hadn't thought of, or connect them to other friends in high places and really help the cause.

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